Saturday, November 15, 2014

CYBR650 - Dooley - Week 9 Blog

CYBR650 – Week 9 Blog – Dooley
November 15, 2014

          In this week’s homework, people were mentioning the breach at the United States Postal Service.  I hadn’t really watched the news all week and didn’t know anything about what was going on.  So I looked into it a little more.  If you already know what is going on, I apologize for repeating anything.  If you are like me and haven’t caught the news, here’s the scoop.
          The USPS experienced a breach putting the Personal Information of over 800,000 people, including employees, top Directors, retirees and regulator’s PI.  The breach may have compromised their names, addresses and Social Security numbers.  It is also possible that an unknown number of customers may also have been affected, but not to the same degree as the other victims.
          So far there is no evidence of malicious activity of the compromised data but the USPS claims to be taking steps to assist their employees protect themselves against any potential misuse of their data.  The USPS also claims that they have “significantly strengthened its systems to prevent future attacks”.  (Stevens, 2014)
          The Postal Service further reports that their payment systems, both online and at the physical post offices were not compromised, nor were any customer credit and debit card information affected.  However, is possible that any customers that called into the customer-care center of the USPS between January 1, 2014, and August 16, 2014, may have had less serious PI such as their names, address, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses may have been compromised.
          The USPS first became aware of suspicious activity in mid-September and they believe that the hackers breached their systems some time after that.  The USPS reports that at that time, they took immediat action, including having experts investigage and stop the breach.  They report that they are just now reproting this breach to the public because had they revealed it earlier, it could have put the efforts to minimize the breach at stake.
          While the source of the attack is not yet known, it is felt that it is pretty obvious that the breach was done by a sophisticated person or group.  In fact, they report that the attack is very similar to attacks seen at other government agencies annd large corporations.  Investigators feel that are some ties in this breach that are similar to an attack on the White House in late October and that evidence points to China as being behind the breach.  In fact, the Washington Post reported.
          The piece I was reading then went onto to discuss other major breaches that have been reported in the recent past.
          It kind of surprises me that these big corporations continue to experience these breaches.  You think after a couple  of the them experienced huge breaches, they would start to strengthen their networks and provide more protection.  However, I realize it is wrong of me to assume they are not doing this as it is very possible for hackers to be a step ahead of everything, but it is just curious that the same types of attacks keep occuring.

Stevens, L. a. (2014, November 10). U.S. Postal Service Says It Was Victim of Data Breach - The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from

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