Saturday, November 15, 2014

CYBR650 - Dooley- Week 12 Blog

CYBR650 – Week 12 Blog – Dooley
November 15, 2014

          For this week’s bloc, we are asked to make an entry about lessons learned.  What we found to be the most difficult part of the course and if there is anything we would do differently.
          I ended up being sick for a couple weeks this quarter and that really played havoc with everything.  I think the hardest part of the course, and it’s not just this course, but I tend to have difficulty doing the network diagramming.  I find that I can explain it much better than I can diagram it.
          I loved the communication everyone had going.  I think we get/give really good feedback to one another and push each other to think outside of the box.  It seems we are all a nice bunch of people as I never saw any snippy comments.  By this time in the path, I recognized quite a few names and it was nice to see them again.
          Professor Woerner is an excellent instructor.  He leaves feedback and makes us think more and pulls ideas out of us.  He offers extra information and opportunities and I find that is a bonus of having him for an instructor. 
          If this was the end of my schooling, I would say that I would greatly miss BU and the opportunity to learn new things, but this is not the end of the pursuit of education.  I will begin my next Degree path in February, 2015.
          I would like to thank Professor Woerner for being such a great instructor and for providing us with such great information and instruction.

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