Sunday, September 9, 2012

Security Week

    I went to this site looking for something to discuss in this week's blog and found a couple of things.  There was one piece discussing the possible theft of Mitt Romney's tax returns and a demand of ransom for the same.  The other piece I found interesting was about Government security breaches.  This week I will discuss the Romney piece.
     The first piece, Romney Faces Extortion Over Tax Returns - Secret Service Investigating, discussed the possible theft of Mitt Romney's pre-2010 1040 forms, which are the very same that he is refusing to release to the public.  These records were supposedly stolen from a PriceWaterhouseCooper (PwC) office in Franklin, Tennessee.
     The demand letter noted that the thieves gained access to PwCs network file servers and were able to copy the tax documents of Willard M. Romney and Ann D. Romney.  The note further went on to explain that once PwC is able to figure out where the security breach occured, some people would more than likely be losing their jobs. 
     The thieves are demanding one million dollars in ransom, to be paid by Romney's people, or anyone that would like the information. 
     If this incident has truly occurred, this would be the second time that a Republican Presidential Candidate has been victimized by electronic means and weak security.  Sarah Palin's Yahoo! account was breached and the contents published online during her run for Vice President.  The thieves in this matter have reported that if Romney's camp does not pay the demanded ransom, they will release the documents to the public, or to anyone that pays the ransom.  So far the documents have not made a public appearance.
     PwC has reported that they are working with the Secret Service, but they report finding no evidence that their systems have been compromised or that there has been any unauthorized access to the reported files.
     There have been suspect packages delivered to the Democratic Party in Williamson County in Franklin, Tennessee, and to the Executive Director of the Williamson County Republican Party; both these packages were turned over, unopened to the Secret Service.
     At this point, they are leaning towards the fact that this is a hoax, however, the Secret Service has confirmed they are looking into matters, without providing any additional comments.

     Well, where to start.  I guess with saying that I will be voting for President Obama come election time.  I do not trust Mitt Romney, his Vice Presidential running mate, or most of the controlling members of the Republican party.  I think they are looking out for America's best off, and could care less about the middle class and the poor.

     I don't like that Mr. Romney has not produced his tax returns.  It leaves a lot of questions and people that hide their income and how that income was made are not trustworthy.  I also think it is pretty funny that if any Government entity demanded to see a regular citizen's tax returns, they would either have to be produced or there would be unfavorable consequences for not complying.

     I am a bit surprised that the PwC does not have better security, especially over high profile records.  It does make sense that this theft has occurred.  Look how many companies loose information every day.

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