Sunday, September 16, 2012

InfoSec Island

This week I went to InfoSec Island looking for material for my blog.  Interestingly enough, my eye was drawn to a piece entitled, "What Will the Impact of a Massive Attack In Cyberspace Be?"  The title caught my eye as I was channel surfing a few weeks ago and landed on CNN where they were discussing Cybersecurity, Cyber warfare, and the increasing need for employees in the cybersecurity field.

Actually, this show has haunted me since I saw it.  The show, forgive me as I cannot remember the name of the show, discussed how the next big war will be a cyber war and how the United States is no where near prepared for this kind of way, and would even have difficulty protecting its own infrastructure, particularly the power grids.  During the show they discussed how one would only need to take down the power grid on one side of the Country or other, either in extreme heat or cold, and then watch as the wave moved across the Country and this Country would fall. 

I can say this piece did nothing to put my mind at ease.  The author, Joel Harding, discusses how an initial blow in a cyberwar would be crushing.  A major part of our communications would be cut off.  The global Internet would go down, we may have local connections, but systems would be so stressed that even those would give out sooner or later; cell phone networks would more than likely cease to function; any service requiring satellite communications would become futile; WiFi, WiMax, and microwave connections would be effected and would cease working; AM and FM radio may work locally, but any type of communications outside the local area would be limited; the economy would screech to a standstill; cash would be the only means of commerce; inflation would go through thru the roof; demand out far out pace supply; moving supplies and meeting demand would be impossible without communication; transportation networks would slow down, and even stop.

Of course, we will figure out a way to work through it and begin again, but the thought that a way could be began via cyberspace, impacting almost everyone on earth in one way or another is pretty scary.

I tend to believe in conspiracy theories, Big Foot, the Lochness Monster, Aliens, Psychics, and on and on.  Some would say I'm more inclined to believe in this sort of nonsense, and this would never happen.

However, after reading this piece and watching the piece on CNN, I can see how this would and could happen.  I also see how devastating the simple act of affecting our power grid could be.  I do wonder we are not more prepared for this as a Country than we obviously are.  I do believe that the next big war will not be fought in battle fields with physical weapons.  Far more damage can be done from cyberspace.

Harding, J. (2012, September 14). Infosec Island. Retrieved from

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