Sunday, August 31, 2014

CYBR650 - Current Trends in Cybersecurity - Blog - Week 1

Hey, everyone!  Well, I think we have finally made it through this degree path!  Yay!  If you are like me, you have had days where you thought, "wow, how cool", as well as those days were you thought, "what the heck was I thinking doing this", especially when it is around time for those fund "projects" to be done.  LOL!  I'm excited to be in this class, both for what I can learn and will be taught, and to know that this is my final class and all my hard work is paying off.  I hope to find some interesting things that I will discuss, and I hope you enjoy reading it.  If you have any input, please let me know, I am always interested to receive feedback and get my thought train back on track if we are in process of derailing!

To this class and to having a chance to work with all of you for the last time, thanks, and I look forward to all the interesting conversations we will have in the near future.

Thanks, Angel